
My name is Timothy and I’m a data science practitioner with an entrepreneurial mindset.

Where practical data science is concerned, I have 3 beliefs that have shaped my approach towards this monster of a subject:

  1. I believe in understanding hard concepts fully so as to be able to explain them simply.
  2. I believe that constant experimentation is the key to success.
  3. I believe in remaining skeptical of model results until tested in the real world.

My main area of interest is in that of Recommender systems but I also like to work on predictive analytics for topics that are interesting to me at that particular point in my life.

This blog showcases my data science work but will also include various ramblings on life lessons I’ve gathered from time to time.

Feel free to connect through one of the links below.

Oh, and may the force be with you.

P.S: In case you’re wondering, yes those are my initials in the little round box up top which also resembles a ‘Pi’ symbol. Pretty cool, at least that’s what I think.

P.P.S: I thought the title of data connoisseur felt befitting for a blog where I appreciate the finer points in data and go through its subtleties. Also, the domain was available!